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Investigador Doutorado no HASLab - Centro de Software Confiável da Universidade do Minho e INESC TEC. Os seus principais tópicos de interesse são sistemas distribuídos, computação na nuvem, gestão de dados de muito larga escala e protocolos epidémicos. 

Obteve o grau de doutoramento pela Universidade do Minho, Aveiro e Porto (MAP-i Doctoral Program in Computer Science) em 2015 com a orientação do Professor Rui Oliveira. O trabalho de doutoramento focou-se no sistema DataFlasks, uma base de dados não relacional, escalável e resiliente, especificamente desenhada para sistemas de muito larga escala. Esta base de dados foi desenhada com base em protocolos epidémicos não estruturados de forma a ser capaz de lidar com níveis muito elevados de dinamismo no sistema (constante entrada e saída de nós do sistema).

Neste momento continua o trabalho no sistema DataFlasks procurando perceber de que forma pode ser enriquecido com guarantias de coerência de dados mais fortes e, ao mesmo tempo, manter as suas propriedades de escalabilidade.

de interesse


  • Nome

    Francisco Almeida Maia
  • Cargo

    Investigador Colaborador Externo
  • Desde

    01 novembro 2011


d'Artagnan: A Trusted NoSQL Database on Untrusted Clouds

Pontes, R; Maia, F; Vilaça, R; Machado, N;

38th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, SRDS 2019, Lyon, France, October 1-4, 2019

Privacy sensitive applications that store confidential information such as personal identifiable data or medical records have strict security concerns. These concerns hinder the adoption of the cloud. With cloud providers under the constant threat of malicious attacks, a single successful breach is sufficient to exploit any valuable information and disclose sensitive data. Existing privacy-aware databases mitigate some of these concerns, but sill leak critical information that can potently compromise the entire system's security. This paper proposes d'Artagnan, the first privacy-aware multi-cloud NoSQL database framework that renders database leaks worthless. The framework stores data as encrypted secrets in multiple clouds such that i) a single data breach cannot break the database's confidentiality and ii) queries are processed on the server-side without leaking any sensitive information. d'Artagnan is evaluated with industry-standard benchmark on market-leading cloud providers. © 2019 IEEE.


Minha: Large-Scale Distributed Systems Testing Made Practical

Machado, N; Maia, F; Neves, F; Coelho, F; Pereira, J;

23rd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems, OPODIS 2019, December 17-19, 2019, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Testing large-scale distributed system software is still far from practical as the sheer scale needed and the inherent non-determinism make it very expensive to deploy and use realistically large environments, even with cloud computing and state-of-the-art automation. Moreover, observing global states without disturbing the system under test is itself difficult. This is particularly troubling as the gap between distributed algorithms and their implementations can easily introduce subtle bugs that are disclosed only with suitably large scale tests. We address this challenge with Minha, a framework that virtualizes multiple JVM instances in a single JVM, thus simulating a distributed environment where each host runs on a separate machine, accessing dedicated network and CPU resources. The key contributions are the ability to run off-the-shelf concurrent and distributed JVM bytecode programs while at the same time scaling up to thousands of virtual nodes; and enabling global observation within standard software testing frameworks. Our experiments with two distributed systems show the usefulness of Minha in disclosing errors, evaluating global properties, and in scaling tests orders of magnitude with the same hardware resources. © Nuno Machado, Francisco Maia, Francisco Neves, Fábio Coelho, and José Pereira; licensed under Creative Commons License CC-BY 23rd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS 2019).


Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy by Design in Distributed Systems, P2DS@EuroSys 2018, Porto, Portugal, April 23, 2018

Maia, F; Mercier, H; Brito, A;




Totally Ordered Replication for Massive Scale Key-Value Stores

Ribeiro, J; Machado, N; Maia, F; Matos, M;

Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems - 18th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2018, Held as Part of the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2018, Madrid, Spain, June 18-21, 2018, Proceedings

Scalability is one of the most relevant features of today’s data management systems. In order to achieve high scalability and availability, recent distributed key-value stores refrain from costly replica coordination when processing requests. However, these systems typically do not perform well under churn. In this paper, we propose DataFlagons, a large-scale key-value store that integrates epidemic dissemination with a probabilistic total order broadcast algorithm. By ensuring that all replicas process requests in the same order, DataFlagons provides probabilistic strong data consistency while achieving high scalability and robustness under churn. © 2018, IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.


SafeFS: a modular architecture for secure user-space file systems: one FUSE to rule them all

Pontes, Rogerio; Burihabwa, Dorian; Maia, Francisco; Paulo, Joao; Schiavoni, Valerio; Felber, Pascal; Mercier, Hugues; Oliveira, Rui;

Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference, SYSTOR 2017, Haifa, Israel, May 22-24, 2017

The exponential growth of data produced, the ever faster and ubiquitous connectivity, and the collaborative processing tools lead to a clear shift of data stores from local servers to the cloud. This migration occurring across different application domains and types of users|individual or corporate|raises two immediate challenges. First, outsourcing data introduces security risks, hence protection mechanisms must be put in place to provide guarantees such as privacy, confidentiality and integrity. Second, there is no \one-size-fits-all" solution that would provide the right level of safety or performance for all applications and users, and it is therefore necessary to provide mechanisms that can be tailored to the various deployment scenarios. In this paper, we address both challenges by introducing SafeFS, a modular architecture based on software-defined storage principles featuring stackable building blocks that can be combined to construct a secure distributed file system. SafeFS allows users to specialize their data store to their specific needs by choosing the combination of blocks that provide the best safety and performance tradeoffs. The file system is implemented in user space using FUSE and can access remote data stores. The provided building blocks notably include mechanisms based on encryption, replication, and coding. We implemented SafeFS and performed indepth evaluation across a range of workloads. Results reveal that while each layer has a cost, one can build safe yet efficient storage architectures. Furthermore, the different combinations of blocks sometimes yield surprising tradeoffs. © 2017 ACM.



Sales and Operations Planning: aplicação de uma abordagem estruturada à Indústria Farmacêutica

Leonor Torres dos Santos Hipólito Reis
