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User-level Software-Defined Storage Data Planes

Date: May 5, 2022 | 3.00 p.m. (GMT+1)

Speaker: Ricardo Macedo, Research Assistant, Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science (INESC TEC) and University of Minho

Moderator: Todd Evans, Researcher Associate, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)

HPC infrastructures are long thought as computational powerhouses that enable scientists to conduct massively parallel jobs. However, with the advent of new data-intensive workloads from both scientific and deep learning jobs, the storage performance has become a pressing concern in these infrastructures, due to high levels of performance variability and I/O contention generated by multiple applications executing concurrently. In this webinar, we discuss how to build portable and generally applicable Software-Defined Storage data planes tailored for the requirements of data-centric applications running on modern HPC infrastructures. We demonstrate how to improve I/O performance and manage I/O interference of HPC jobs with none to minor code changes to applications and HPC storage backends.

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  • Iniciar

    05 maio 2022
  • Hora de Início

  • Promotores

    BigHPC Project and UT Austin Portugal Program