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Power & Energy Webinar Series - Technologies and Intelligence for smart buildings

A nona edição da iniciativa do Centro de Sistemas de Energia (CPES) "Power & Energy Webinar Series” decorre no dia 27 de outubro, a partir das 10h, sob o tema “Technologies and Intelligence for smart buildings”.

David Rua, investigador do INESC TEC, e Josef Baumeister, da BSH Home Appliances GmbH, serão os responsáveis pela condução deste webinar. A moderação ficará a cargo de Luis Seca, investigador e Membro do Conselho de Administração do INESC TEC. A última parte de cada apresentação é dedicada à discussão e debate entre os oradores e os participantes.

Os interessados em participar na sessão devem inscrever-se no site da iniciativa: Após o preenchimento do formulário disponibilizado no site (seção “participar”), os participantes receberão, mais próximo da sessão, um e-mail da organização com as credenciais de acesso.

Sobre as apresentações:

- David Rua: Unlocking flexibility in buildings

Approaches to the quantification of flexibility in buildings and aggregation strategies for optimal energy efficiency actions through private-by-design data exchange mechanisms.

- Josef Baumeister: Climate change – ways to interoperable energy management

Climate change is a must but also a major challenge in these days and the near future. This leads to a shift from fossil and nuclear to renewable energy production including a paradigm shift from “production follows demand” towards “demand follows production”. This presentation describes the path from the idea of using the wind energy in Norderstedt nearby Hamburg as efficiently as possible to interoperable management of devices at home such as a flexible washing cycle, initiated by the user and controlled by an energy manager. Interoperability in this context means that a washing machine from manufacturer A can be replaced by a device from manufacturer B without having to replace the energy management infrastructure. Existing standards (SPINE data model, EN 50631-x) as well as new technologies (SAREF ontology enhanced with Graph Pattern and knowledge Interaction) are explained in this context. Last, the bridge is drawn to Interoperability Testing Methodology.


Sobre os oradores:

- David Rua, Senior Researcher, INESC TEC

Senior researcher in the Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES). His research interests include modelling and optimization of flexible energy resource, digital platforms and systems for grid management, and control and demand response strategies for residential and non-residential buildings. He currently leads the x-Energy Management Systems area in CPES.

- Josef Baumeister, BSH Home Appliances GmbH

Josef Baumeister disposes of more than 35 years of technical and management experience in mobile- and cordless-telecommunication as well as broadband technology. Since 2011 he is working with BSH Home Appliances and is responsible for Smart Home and Smart Appliances standardization. From 2016 until November 2020, he was also Managing Director of the EEBus Initiative e.V. Josef Baumeister is a member of Smart Home & -Grid standardization bodies in IEC, CENELEC and DKE as well as in national and international Smart-Home & -Grid associations and European Commission bodies.


Sobre o moderador:

- Luis Seca, Senior Researcher and Board Member, INESC TEC

Luis Seca is a Senior Researcher in the Center for Power and Energy Systems and member of the Board of INESC TEC, a private R&D institution in Portugal. His current research interests focus on the integration of distributed energy resources (renewable, EV, Storage, etc.) in distribution systems, dynamic stability in isolated systems and smart grids. 


Lembramos que todos os investigadores do INESC TEC estão convidados a participar nestes webinars como oradores. Se está interessado, por favor, preencha este questionário.





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    27 outubro 2021
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