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Applications open for Business Ignition Programme (BIP)

Do you have a technology and you are looking for the right business programme to make a leap forward?

BIP – Business Ignition Programme –  is a programme designed to support the development of business model for technologies span out of the academy. Business model development and prototyping will be underpinned by market feedback to increase the success of technology transfer through new product or service development, or venture creation.

Sonae will be BIP's business partner providing mentorship to ideas and projects with application in the retail sector. Nevertheless, technologies with applications in other market sectors will be equally supported.

Fill in the TechOffer form and send to the following e-mail address:, no later than January, the 3rd 2017.




  • Iniciar

    22 dezembro 2016
  • O quê

  • Nome de contacto

    Sara Neves