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52nd InfoBlender Seminar


Date: January 23
 University of Minho, Gualtar campus (Braga) | Informatics Department, Building 07 | Auditorium A1, ground floor

Presenter: Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Title: Introducing Aggregation Functions  

More info HERE

Many applications require functions which return a representation (in some sense) of input data. Some of them are organized in a single theory called: Theory of Aggregation Functions. In this talk, we present such theory and how some known and not so known families of functions are captured by such theory. We show how some known means can be described in a parametric way by the so-called OWA functions and how they can be generalized by dynamic weights. Notions like Mixture functions and Choquet Integrals is also presented.


Short bio: Since 1993, I investigate the application of Lattices, Topology, Algebra and Non-classical logics to the foundation of Interval Computations. Recently, my research includes the application of Interval Mathematics in some fields of Computer Science: e.g. the extension of Fuzzy logics and the application intervals and Non-classical logics to the field of Image Processing. With the inclusion of Fuzzy Sets in my research I also became interested in Fuzzy Logics and Its Applications, like: Computational Intelligence, Fuzzy Mathematics (Fuzzy Topology, Fuzzy Algebra, etc).



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    23 janeiro 2019
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