Cerca de 5645 resultados
São cerca de 60 milhões de euros, distribuídos por 18 projetos, que estão atualmente disponíveis para desenvolver tecnologias para o mar até 2018. O Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência (INESC TEC) tem vindo a apostar no desenvolvimento de protótipos neste setor c...
From 15 to 19 July 2013 CMRE hosted one of the 2013 sea trials of ICARUS, EC project aiming to develop robotic tools which can assist "human" crisis intervention teams.
An EU-backed project is simplifying cloud data management. This could help banks, telcos and other prospective customers build Big Data apps in hours instead of months.
A FhP-AICOS (Fraunhofer AICOS) está a usar o seu conhecimento em processamento de imagens e machine learning nos cuidados de saúde para combater o cancro do colo do útero, tornando o rastreio em áreas de poucos recursos mais fácil e menos dispendi...
A new program has been launched to develop new underwater mining systems.
Built from a simple Lego NXT kit, a new robotic system designed by a student of FEUP can identify different types of dance and music in an intelligent manner and is fully autonomous. The next step is to create and manage choreography between humanoid robots.
An unexpected lack of wind in the US can cause blackouts. This is one problem that many regions in the United States of America may face on the short and medium term as a consequence of the country's growing dependence on renewable energies, particularly wind power. Even though USA's position at an...
The first mobile manipulator robot developing picking operations in the automotive industry has Portuguese technology. If so far the handling of pieces in this sector was a difficult problem with automation levels below 30%, the European project STAMINA solves these challenges.
An unexpected lack of wind in the US can cause blackouts. This is one problem that many regions in the United States of America may face on the short and medium term as a consequence of the country's growing dependence on renewable energies, particularly wind power. Even though USA's position at an...
O consórcio Eneop, que é liderado pela EDP Renováveis, vai negociar a contratação de um novo financiamento, no valor de 240 milhões de euros, com um agrupamento de bancos liderado pela Caixa BI, apurou o Negócios. Trata-se da terceira e última tranche de financiamento do consórcio que está a instala...