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The seventh edition of INESC TEC Science and Society is dedicated to Artificial Intelligence and Leadership

The seventh issue of the INESC TEC Science and Society magazine, dedicated to the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Leadership, is now available. The title of this edition, which includes nine articles and features 15 authors, is "The responsibilities of responsible AI".

24th January 2025


According to Artur Pimenta Alves, coordinator of the magazine, the "future of leadership in research and development in the era of Artificial Intelligence" couldn't be more relevant.

This opinion is shared by the members of the editorial team of the latest magazine. Lia Patrício, member of the Board at INESC TEC, and João Gama, a researcher at the institution and one of the most-cited scientists in the world, start the editorial by claiming that AI is a scientific area in constant evolution, which is why it is difficult to predict what the future holds for this technology. But there's something that already seems clear: "AI is changing our lives in significant ways. It's shifting the way we work, live, and make decisions. It is currently going through a phase of fast growth and development." 

This premise was the basis for the other authors. "It is currently going through a phase of fast growth and development", mentioned the editors.

The magazine starts from a more macro point of view that addresses topics like the next phase for AI and Leadership, the development of inclusive and responsible AI - which goes beyond research and legislation; then, it focuses on the basic principles of responsible AI, providing a roadmap for data science managers, before moving to a broader approach with five pillars for companies to get the most out of AI. From there, the authors analyse AI from a more sectoral point of view: education, sea, energy and sustainability.

The seventh issue of the magazine – as well as the previous editions – is available online here.

And you can subscribe it here.

The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.