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The largest machine learning conference in Europe will take place in Porto and is now accepting papers

It is called ECML PKDD - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases -, and it is the largest European conference in machine learning. The event, promoted by INESC TEC, will take place between September 15 and 19, 2025, in Porto; the submission of papers is open until March.

09th January 2025

The city of Porto is expected to host more than 1200 scientists from all over the world to promote and discuss scientific advances in machine learning and data mining. INESC TEC, the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto (FEP), the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP), and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) are in charge of organising this event - supported by the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence.

The submission of papers to the ECML PKDD is open until March 14. The conference accepts two types of paper: research and journal track (information here) and applied research track (information here).

"This conference is famous for its competitiveness and selective character. The acceptance rate of papers is less than 25%, which reflects the thoroughness and quality of the work submitted. Above all, we want to assess papers in machine learning, knowledge discovery and data mining that make a substantial contribution in their fields of expertise. We request innovative work, cutting-edge research, and emerging topics that go beyond the state of the art", explained João Gama, INESC TEC researcher and one of the conference chairs of ECML PKDD 2025.

However, the conference will promote other initiatives. Another important deadline has to do with workshop submission. Whether they are one-day or half-day, they must focus on emerging topics of machine learning and data mining. They may address recent research topics, innovative application areas, problems or issues related to the economic and social aspects of the domains concerned. The conference meets the principles of sustainable development defined by the UN.

The deadline for submitting proposals for workshops and tutorials is February 3.
For more information, please check here the conference's website.

"The main advantage of the workshops is the fact that they allow discussing recent or unexplored topics in a creative, more intimate and interactive atmosphere. We promote workshops and tutorials in multidisciplinary and intersecting areas involving the participation of experts with different scientific backgrounds," said the INESC TEC researcher.

All information about the ECML PKDD here.