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The Federal Technological University of Paraná in Brazil honoured Vladimiro Miranda with the "Forjadores da Inovação 2024" award

The Brazilian Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR) acknowledged Vladimiro Miranda – Associate Director of INESC TEC and Professor Emeritus of the University of Porto – with the "Forjadores da Inovação UTFPR 2024" award. This tribute aims to recognise and value the exceptional contributions that the researcher has had in innovation and academic development, over the years.

16th September 2024

The award ceremony took place in the city of Curitiba (Brazil), on September 13.

According to Vladimiro Miranda, "besides feeling quite happy with this recognition, I believe that it is also a great source of pride for INESC TEC, helping to strengthen the position and actions towards transatlantic cooperation that our institution has favoured over time - both in projects and in welcoming Brazilian scientists".

Vladimiro Miranda is Director-President of INESC P&D Brasil, a Brazilian non-governmental science and technology institution and private non-profit association, modelled after INESC TEC, which is a founding associate. Its main purpose is to coordinate, together with 12 Brazilian public universities a network of cooperation in research, development and technology transfer in Brazil. INESC P&D Brasil has developed an interesting multi-institutional, multidisciplinary and transatlantic cooperation set of actions, leading to several Portugal-Brazil cooperation projects and participation in European projects - with emphasis on the partnership with INESC TEC.

About Vladimiro Miranda's scientific achievements

Graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1977, Vladimiro Miranda received a PhD degree in the same area from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), in 1982. He started teaching at FEUP in the previous year. In 1984 he joined the creation of the INESC project in Porto, where he became coordinator of the information systems and decision support area, until the mid-1990s. He served as Director, member of the Board for 18 years.

He was the founder and President of INESC Macau (China), Full Professor at the Universities of Porto and Macau (China), Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Pará (Brazil) and Visiting Researcher at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, also in Brazil. He was also the founder of INESC P&D Brasil, in 2012, where since then he serves as Director-President.

His experience of entrepreneurship and innovation includes the roles of administrator of start-up companies within the INESC system.

He is currently an international scientific advisor to IRESEN – a financing and research agency associated with the Ministry of Energy of Morocco, IIT – Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (Madrid, Spain), IEE – Instituto de Energía Eléctrica (San Juan, Argentina), the Portuguese Army Laboratory for Chemical and Biological Defence and ARENE – Mozambique Energy Regulatory Authority. In 2005, he was the first IEEE Fellow of the University of Porto, an entity that later honoured him with the IEEE Power Engineering Society Ramakumar Family Renewable Energy Excellence Award, in 2013.

In the latest rankings of Stanford University (U.S.A.), he is included in the top 1% of the most influential scientists in the world in the area of power and energy systems, due to his relevant and numerous scientific publications.