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INESC TEC supports ABB Marine & Ports in the development of an optimisation tool for the O&M in offshore wind farms

INESC TEC, as the coordinator of the European project ATLANTIS – The Atlantic Testing Platform for Maritime Robotics: New Frontiers for Inspection and Maintenance of Offshore Energy Infrastructures, is supporting ABB Marine & Ports for the development of an optimisation software that aims to improve the inspection and maintenance of offshore wind farms, in order to reduce costs and increase the efficiency, safety and sustainability of these structures.

26th November 2020

The ABB Marine & Ports will improve the OCTOPUS system to optimise O&M logistics and procedures in offshore wind farms. The goal is to achieve greater efficiency in the use of physical and human resources, by reducing the travel and waiting times for vessels, and by improving the safety of O&M at offshore wind farms, through the use of robotic solutions.

Andry Maykol Pinto, project coordinator and researcher at INESC TEC’s Centre for Robotics and Autonomous Systems (CRAS), stated that “ATLANTIS is crucial to support the roll-out of technology for the offshore industry. Solutions such as OCTOPUS allow stakeholders to benefit from digitalisation and proper planning to reduce costs of operating and maintaining offshore wind farms”.

The OCTOPUS will characterise the operational limitations of vessels and technical personnel while evaluating new opportunities that arise from the integration of marine robotic technology (unmanned vehicles) in traditional value-chains.

The ATLANTIS project aims to develop and test robotic solutions (underwater, surface and aerial) for the inspection, maintenance and repair of offshore wind infrastructures, in order to mitigate risks and reduce the costs associated with these operations. With an expected duration of three years, the project has a global investment of €8.5M, granted by H2020 – Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, under the agreement number 871571.

The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UP-FEUP.