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INESC TEC researchers acknowledged for their role in national education in Engineering

A total of 33 INESC TEC researchers were acknowledged for their role in national education in Engineering, during 2024. The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) granted several awards and honours on January 13, according to several categories. 

27th January 2025

Luís Filipe Teixeira, INESC TEC researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, received the 2024 Pedagogical Excellence Award. The Institute's researcher is currently an associate professor in the department of Computer Engineering at FEUP. 

The scientific recognition awards were granted to six INESC TEC researchers, belonging to different areas, namely: 

  • Ana Maria Camanho, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • Andry Maykol Pinto, researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; 
  • Jaime Cardoso, researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Bioengineering; 
  • José Fernando Oliveira, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • Maria Antónia Carravilla, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • Miguel Velhote Correia, researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Bioengineering.  

Concerning the pedagogical recognition prizes, 26 INESC TEC researchers - also belonging to different areas - received said award: 

  • Ademar Aguiar, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Alexandra Mendes, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Ana Cristina Paiva, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Andry Maykol Pinto, researcher in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; 
  • António Coelho, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Bruno Lima, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Filipe Correia, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Filipe Borges Teixeira, researcher in Communications; 
  • Gonçalo Leão, researcher in Robotics; 
  • Hermilio Fernandes, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • João Bispo, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • José Carlos Alves, researcher in Robotics; 
  • José Fernando Oliveira, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • José Nuno Fidalgo, researcher in Power & Energy Systems; 
  • José Rui Ferreira, researcher in Power & Energy Systems; 
  • Luís Outeiro, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Luís Filipe Teixeira, researcher in Artificial Intelligence; 
  • Manuel Duarte dos Santos, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Maria Gabriela Beirão, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • Maria Helena Vasconcelos, researcher in Power & Energy Systems; 
  • Maria João Pires, researcher in Systems Engineering and Management; 
  • Rui Lopes Campos, researcher in Communications; 
  • Rui Pedro Rodrigues, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Sara Fernandes, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Teresa de Canha Matos, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 
  • Tiago Boldt Sousa, researcher in Computer Science and Engineering; 


INESC TEC researchers Jorge Pinho de Sousa (Systems Engineering and Management), Luís Corte-Real (Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and Engineering), and Maria Cristina Ribeiro (Computer Science and Engineering) were acknowledged as Emeritus Professors of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.