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INESC TEC researcher selected for internship at MIT

Henrique Diogo Silva, researcher at INESC TEC and PhD student at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), is one of the winners of this year’s edition of the R&D@USA grant programme, promoted by the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). Those selected have the possibility to carry out a research internship in the United States of America.

20th February 2023

The researcher at INESC TEC Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) is developing his PhD thesis – under the guidance of António Lucas Soares, coordinator of the CESE -, focusing on the concept of digital twin as a key element of the architecture of digital platforms applied to industry.

In particular, the main goal is to understand how this area can help manage the entire life cycle of the product or service, considering that management happens intra-organisationally and involves all the data and information necessary to support an inter-organisational market.

“When I joined the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, in 2012, I certainly did not expect to finish my training at MIT”, stated Henrique Silva. “This time at MIT is an opportunity according to two different reasons. First, because it is a way to keep developing my PhD work, thus contributing to the goal of connecting the concepts of digital platforms and digital twin technologies to industrial contexts. And then, of course, as a way to expand horizons and opportunities; working with MIT researchers can help me understand which new connections can be established, which novel concepts can be defined and which contexts can be further explored”, explained the researcher.

During this period, Henrique Silva will work directly with Donna Rhodes, co-advisor of this research and Henrique Silva’s PhD, and with the other researchers at MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC).

The R&D@USA grant programme is funded by the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD) and by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). In this edition, FLAD selected more than 13 Portuguese candidates to travel to the United States of America, so they can carry out research at different American institutions.

The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC, UP-FEUP, and FCT.