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INESC TEC is part of a cooperation initiative that brings together 280 entities for the development of 6G communications

It is called Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) and it aims to promote collaboration between various European entities towards the development of next generation telecommunications networks and services. The initiative brings together consortia of 35 European projects, in a total of almost 280 organisations. INESC TEC, as leader of the TERRAMETA project, is part of this group.  

13th October 2023

SNS JU, also known as 6G-SNS, is led by the European Commission and the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA), bringing together 35 European projects - including TERRAMETA, coordinated by INESC TEC. The objective is to foster cooperation between the various consortia towards the development of intelligent networks and services. In particular, the initiative promotes the cooperation between Member States on 6G networks research and innovation, and the deployment of advanced 5G networks.


"In order to formalise this initiative, the 280 entities involved in the 35 projects funded within the scope of the first call of SNS JU (which include TERRAMETA) signed a protocol", explained Luís Pessoa. The INESC TEC researcher, as project coordinator, recently participated in the 6G-SNS Steering Board meeting, together with all the coordinators of the 35 projects, as well as representatives of 6G-IA and the European Commission; INESC TEC was the only Portuguese entity present.


This meeting led to the establishment of three working groups that will focus on 6G Architecture, Reliable Software Network and Test, Measurement and KPIs. These groups are coordinated by the SNS Steering Board - which will integrate the coordinators of the 25 projects selected after the second call of this collaborative programme.


The TERRAMETA project started in early 2023, focusing on researching innovative technologies for the sixth generation (6G) of mobile communications, supporting the digital transition process of the European business ecosystem through the demonstration of reconfigurable smart surfaces (RIS) THz.