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INESC TEC elects new Associative Bodies

The meeting of INESC TEC’s General Council took place on April 11, with the election of the Associative Bodies for the 2024-2026 term. The 2023 Financial and Activity Reports were also approved.

12th April 2024

The General Council unanimously approved the proposal for the members of the Associative Bodies for the 2024-2026 term. João Claro moves from Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors (CA) to Chairman of the Board, a position that was held by José Manuel Mendonça since 2005. In addition to José Manuel Mendonça, José Carlos Caldeira, Luís Carneiro and Rui Oliveira will cease their duties. The CA welcomes two new members: Clara Gouveia, head of the SEM/DMS domain and network automation at one of INESC TEC's 13 research centres (Centre for Power and Energy Systems), and member of the Scientific Council of the institution, and Lia Patrício, coordinator of INESC TEC's Centre for Industrial Engineering and Management and professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Aníbal Matos, Gabriel David, Luís Seca and Maria da Graça Barbosa will resume their duties, as well as João Claro.

The new Board of Directors of INESC TEC is now composed of João Claro - Chairman and CEO -, Gabriel David - Vice-Chairman of the Board-, and the directors Aníbal Matos, Clara Gouveia, Gabriel David, Lia Patrício, Luís Seca and Maria da Graça Barbosa.

José Manuel Mendonça ceases to be Chairman, after 19 years of visionary leadership, at a time when the Institute has established itself as a leading institution at the national level, with increasing visibility as a reference at the international level, in an always challenging context.

"Today, INESC TEC means public service, striving for excellence, and professionalism at a level that is the portrait of a Chairman who encouraged and guided us to embrace challenges and overcome ourselves in every moment. Over these two decades, we have more than quadrupled our dimension and activity, and reinvented ourselves as an institution of science and innovation. The legacy he leaves is a responsibility: to be able to continue this path", mentioned João Claro, who now takes over the leadership of the institution.

António Sousa Pereira, Rector of the University of Porto, remains President of the General Council Bureau, with Paulo Pereira (President of P.Porto) as First Secretary, and Arlindo Oliveira (President of INESC) as Second Secretary.

Regarding the Audit Committee, the new President will be Maria Madalena Queimado (INESC), with Ana Paula Serra (U. Porto) acting as Member. Deloitte remains as Statutory Auditor.

The 2023 Activity

The General Council also approved the 2023 Activity, Management and Financial Reports, highlighting the results achieved by the institution both in terms of science and technology, and in terms of financial stability.

The reports are all available on the INESC TEC website.

The INESC TEC 2023-2030 Strategic Plan, completed in 2023, was also unanimously approved.