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If you're driving, don't stop, but make sure to check the variable-message signs on Portuguese roads: some feature INESC TEC technology

The variable-message signs on Portuguese roads are now more efficient thanks to a technology developed by INESC TEC, which aims to improve the visibility of LED lights and reduce sun glare in adverse conditions.

27th January 2025

The new European standards establish criteria for optical performance, energy efficiency and safety of road signs. In this sense, the company DMS hired INESC TEC for the development of an optical device for LED signalling.

The project, nearing completion, required the design of said device, covering different requirements - from optical performance to ensuring efficient energy consumption.

According to Manuel Joaquim Marques, the INESC TEC researcher leading the development of this technology, "in addition to the creativity necessary to address the challenge presented by DMS, it was necessary to find a balance to meet the industrialisation needs - many of which implying significant changes to the initial design".

The project introduced several challenges, namly understanding that LEDs feature a small mirror that increases the emission of light, but also increases the amount of sun light that enters the device and reaches the led, influencing the initial design.

Another challenge identified stemmed from the fixing brackets - the design of specific spacers, different from those with standard dimensions, can lead to significant costs.

This innovation highlights DMS 'position in the world market, but also INESC TEC's role in creating cutting-edge technological solutions for the road and transportation sector, with a clear impact on society.

The researcher mentioned in this article is affiliated to INESC TEC and UP-FCUP.