The operation of the pilot-system for the production of electric power using renewable resources (photovoltaic solar energy) will immediately supply some of the islands’ houses with electricity 24 hours a day.
At the same time, reducing the production of energy using diesel generators will contribute to a significant decrease of greenhouse gas emissions and to the sustainability of Berlenga’s unique natural heritage, one of our national wonders of nature.
This pilot-system was the result of an effective contribution from some of the project’s partners, such as EDP - Energias de Portugal, the Portuguese Navy - Direcção de Faróis (Lighthouse Board), EFACEC and Peniche’s City Council. The “Berlenga – Laboratory of Sustainability” project is also aiming at the implementation of technologic solutions for waste water treatment, solid wastes and production of drinking water.
It is also important to mention that the project involves a set of partnerships between different national and international companies/institutions, such as Peniche‘s City Council, the Centre for Pollution Prevention (C3P), the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity (ICNB), EDP - Energias de Portugal, EFACEC, AdP -Águas de Portugal, ISQ – Institute of Welding and Quality, INESC Porto - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering of Porto, INETI - National Institute of Engineering Technology and Innovation, Galp Energia, Portugal Telecom, Rui Pena, Arnaut and Assocites Law Firm, NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the International Trade Bridge Inc (ITB) and the Portuguese Navy - Direcção de Faróis (Lighthouse Board).
Badaladas, 4 January 2008
04th January 2008
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